
Showing posts from April, 2015


  Cowpea Mosaic        Casual organism: cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus Symptoms:first appears dark and light green patches  on leaf surface area.When the disease advances leaf become yellow and dry up.Affected plants have prominent leaf vein,smaller young leaves,stunted plant growth and distorted fruit.Aphid,whiteflies and thrips can transmit viruses from plant to plant on which they feed.Aphid feeding may cause the leaves and fruit to become distorted.Thrips cause severe damage to the young crop by sucking the           cellsap.Whiteflies also feeds on the under surface of the leaf.Disease will transmit through seeds having viruses . Control measures:No adequate control for mosaic disease only we can control vector transmission. *Use only healthy seeds *Spray malathion50EC@2ml/litre or Quinalphose25EC@1.25ml/litre *Spray botanicals like nee oil emulsion *Place yellow sticky trap in fields.