The Marketing of farm produce is a very difficult process to undertake without a proper market platform. The market always twines towards a puzzled destination where the farmer has to lose his valuable produce without getting the marginal price. The road of the journey of farm produce starts from farm to market which includes the burden of production and marketing. During the process of production to the marketing, there are a lot of expenses a farmer has to bear for sell his produce and make a profitable income. Farmer's priority to sell off farm produce is to fetch a good fair income or get the average expense for the cultivation he undertaken in last season. In addition, he also wants to find what he will have to expense for current marketing (production expense and marketing expense). The transportation, marketing and farming expenses want to be regained from such a market where he has to avoid the hidden complexities which involved in selling off his farm produce otherwise he will fall in indebtedness. Marketing is the key function of finance management and the cyclic movement of finance need to be ensured through sound marketing strategies with a healthy economic condition and cooperation among the stakeholders of Vipani. On the other, farmers will not bring their produce into Vipani for selling and smoothening the marketing function and channel. The Vipani management made this point underlined and some key strategies were implemented in field centre of peravoor. The field centres an initiative of Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam for bringing farmer and trader on a common platform to ensure sound marketing of agriculture produce. A marketing committee is managing the day to day functions of the vipani under the leadership of the vipani president who is a master farmer, a selected representative from farmer self-help groups. The supply of farm produces in touch with demand drive is a must and that high need has to be ensured through the analysis of past vipani records. Traders have to be attracted to markets to create more demand and competition. The auction process is the best-suited method for a fair trading because it ensures competition among stakeholders. Another important aspect is Bookkeeping and Accounting should be in a proper way for a fair process of marketing.


 The above graph shows consecutive four years’ performance of field centre peravoor.  The described strategic situation created a high flow of produce into the vipani and achieved the highest tonnage ever recorded on up to August 2015 (only took six months of the financial year). This performance was one of the best after the initiation of field centre in 2011. Graphical representation will show the result. Blue and red bars show tonnage and amount respectively. Figures on the top of the bar recorded year, tonnage and year, amount.  The calculation of current cultivated area and identification of peak season assessed in an incomplete manner from through an interrogation and analysis of prior data with which early convened quarterly master farmer meetings and regular market executive committee meetings. In the meetings, the concerned were participated and assured their participation in vipani activities to make a success and from this meeting collection of data took place prior to start trading activities. The information from meetings analysed with vipani maintained records like month wise audit report, registers etc. Based on that analysis day to day function managed without so much badness.
The following graph shows the average price per kg of farm produces marketed through vipani on the financial year up to august 2015.Previous years’ price analysed and based on the current trend, a suitable strategy implemented to maintain price level besides with the scheme like the fair price and transportation rebate announced for the needful. The graph shows the price per kg in four consecutive periods.

   Below the month wise comparison of tonnage. This graph represents price per kg verification and seasonal flow of the quantity of produce into FC. Through this analyzation, we regulated the flow of produce into vipani to make profitable marketing. The view of April and May shows the result ie the product of tonnage and average price will give the exact result. We assured a determined income to every farmer who depends on field centre. Auction type marketing also ensures the quality of produce. This has not achieved in vipani but information disseminated to perform well in marketing activities. Productivity enhancement has to be achieved through the awareness and participation of farmer in such vipani. Pest and Disease monitoring and forecasting can also be achieved. Trend analysis, Demand and Price analysis will give the forecasting of the market process. Making all these efforts into a reality thus, a trust can build up into members of vipani. Self Help, Participation and Prosperity is the motto has been realised ever.

   Accordingly, we can assess the growth and income of farmer and also we can ensure and implement the suitable strategy like crop diversification, Value addition, the increase of area coverage, preparation of crop production plan etc to make farming a viable option.




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