Zinc deficiency in Banana

The availability of micro nutrient zinc is very necessary to plants because it is an important components of various enzymes that are responsible for driving growth and developments of plants.Carbohydrate,protein and chlorophyll formation is significantly reduced in Zn deficient soils , studies revealed.The availability of Zn to plant is hampered due to its immobile nature and soil conditions. 

The research projects of certain agencies shows that the following findings

Soil temperature : Cool soil temperatures can intensify the need for zinc to plants.When soil temperature is low,mineralization of soil organic matter slows down resulting less amount of zinc being released in the soil solution  and thus less or limited uptake by plants.Root growth is also stunted by cool temperatures and reduces the plant's ability to find new sources of zinc in the soil profile.

Phosphorous level : There is a known relationship between phosphorous and zinc in the soil.A very high rate of phosphorous fertilizer and low Ph affects the availability of zinc to the plants.The major symptoms appear in bananas are banana chlorosis and banana deformation.The following photographs show the visible symptoms of deformation of banana bunches which are taken in the month of December,January,February from bunched plants.




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