Agroecology-based farming methods
Agriculture and allied sectors point out the details of the dependence of human life on plants for various needs and ecological services to sustain life on earth. For more than five decades after the green revolution, policy advisors have advocated the adoption of regenerative agriculture to produce natural food abundantly within our reach while improving the natural resource base and the environment. At the same time, efforts have actively initiated to maintain and improve our natural resource base and the environment through sustainable development goals. In this climate change scenario, alternative practices needed to tackle the twin objectives of food security and the environment by protecting biodiversity.On this regard, agroecology gains its importance by adopting principles. Ecology means biology dealing with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. The agroecosystems can no longer be managed efficiently unless we adopt good farming practices. The components of a sound ecosystem interact with each other in lots of different ways to maintain crop environment and soil by favouring the symbiotic relations of beneficial insects, macro and micro fauna of soil. Ecosystem provides services like food, shelter, transport and parasitism for benefits. These systems do not always stay the same but may change over time. If an event changes ecosystem regain its full potential is cumbersome and slow. People action also changes ecosystems, and often the impact is so great that nature can not repair the damage. Poor farming techniques sometimes cause the much drastic effect on environment and soil that plants cannot get established and the vegetation can never recover. So agroecology can serve the missing functions in some sort.
Multiple cropping
In farming and in general the components of ecology are climate and soil. Climate factor includes temperature, rainfall, photoperiod, humidity and soil factors like fertility and productivity. The difference in intensity of these factors optimises production of crops. In order for agriculturists to be successful in today's fragile commercial agriculture, they need to know about agroecology incorporated farming methods. Techniques of raising crops include agronomical practices like land preparation and method of planting have impacts on farming. By adopting different ways of growing crops can be used to give the maximum benefit in this regard and considering agroecology.Mixed cropping, Intercropping and crop rotation are the principles used to maintain these balances. The availability of moisture and irrigation water decides the choice of the crops be cultivated in a specific location to suit the conditions. Biotic and abiotic resistance, desirable agronomical characteristics and change in maturity duration are the determiners on choosing the crop for cultivation. Different crops require various climatic conditions, temperature and photoperiod for their growth and completion of their life cycle. Accordingly, we classify our crops into rainy, winter and summer sowing crops for suitable growth and result. Cultivation practices and crop yields are related to weather, soil quality and availability of water. Varieties that can be grown in diverse climatic conditions are useful nowadays. Natural resources to the point of destroying their balance completely are not the sustainable farming. Biogeochemical cycles and differentiated ecosystem have to be protected to maintain the sustainability issues. Therefore, the issues rise for economically advantageous farming methods.
Direct seeding with shallow tillage and Raised bed cultivation
The methods like growing vegetable in the waterlogged rice field and banana in water intensified rice field can be replicated in suitable places where land is the constraint and water is the limiting factor for cultivation. Vegetables will grow in the raised beds by making the space of 45cm width. In this method, we can use the technique of four or five rows of paddy+one bed vegetable will suit the condition like water conserving cultivation and Drained field cultivation.
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