The faraway vision- A silver glow at the edge of a farm

 The aspect of development is well established in the field of agriculture by the concept of  Self Help |Groups.SHG is essential and indispensable on now in rural development, especially in the sluggish period of agriculture growth.Presently, development aims and needs to the judicious and discriminate use of existing available resources, if it is physical, mechanical or human, which forges to the lead of constructive production.Secondly, the fact that, the full involvement of stakeholder participation in a growth-oriented project ensures the ultimate result of equitable growth.Based on the above matter agriculture development should build on the cornerstone of self-help gestate.

                        Self Help Group's goal-oriented participation, cooperation and duty assures essentials of the growth and development in the field of agriculture.The formation of Self Help Groups on the sound principles will yield the desired vision of prosperity. So the following principles are considered for the conjecture of Self Help Group formation.

  1. Sustainability:- The support should be given to long-term vision for the formation of SHGs with like-minded people, on the contrary by taking improper decisions immediately leads to coarseness and further interference.The solving of existing problems in the farmland need constant interaction.
  2. Equity:- Inequality causes instability in the environment of cooperation.So the gap between forward and backward should be reduced by addressing the concern of members.Reduction of inequality is a must and also needful for the proclaimed equitable growth and development.
  3. Participation:- Working participation of the members of a society for a common goal ensures the success of the project.Participatory approaches in the group give results apart from the top to down implementation.
  4. Present importance:- The planning of the meetings and assemblage of members with sound and current important agenda keep the present need and vitality of the group, otherwise, it will deviate from the growth path.
  5. Entrepreneurship:- The scheme of entrepreneurship promotions strengthen SHG's vision.This factor is essential for the creation of wealth and innovation in the field of agriculture.
Here, timebound, realistic, targeted aim and regional intervention are very essential for good quality development.So the governance of self-help group must ensure with members participation.The developmental agencies must have an influence on members by empowering them through good practices.The concept of promotion of members is better than the concept of control.So the authority must take the responsibility of giving an education to members.If the authority can able to provide basic service, infrastructure etc. it will certainly bring back effectiveness in the function of self-help groups and vitality in agriculture.

     The drawbacks which may be hinder the function of self-help groups as follows,
  1. Deviation from the vision
  2. Difficulty in time control
  3. No essential education and aptitude
  4. Lack of conveyance
  5. Lack of experience in the competitive environment
  6. Inability to take risks
  7. Economical incompatibility
  8. No audit of work performance
  9. Less availability of basic infrastructure

                       It is necessary to improve the work performance of self-help groups at the desired level. For the purpose, a rethink is essential at this moment. The emphasis should be given to the following factors while on managing agriculture self-help groups. The factors can be divided into three broad sectors.They are as follows,

  1. Agriculture capacity building
  2. Economic strength
  3. Socially strengthened farmer

Agriculture capacity building includes the following aspects which provide the effectiveness and efficiency.

  1. Formation of self-help groups and selection of members: selection criteria should be formulated based on the need and goal.
  2. Formulation of byelaw: It must include the necessary provisions of record keeping, the conduct of monthly regular meetings, selection of office bearers, presentation of working reports and monitoring of the performance of SHG through participatory tools.
  3. Agriculture knowledge gain: The conduct of training, campaigns, participatory technology development plots, demonstrations, field schools, experience sharing of prominent farmers with other members and study tour etc. are needed at the farm and individual level.These aspects will impart the requisite skills needed for adding the value to maintain the concept sustainability.The above said components of the extension will cohere group and make a situation which provides wholehearted participation of members.The conduct of above components will give an overview of the situation exists in a particular region.The conduct of training in the depth of title gives the confidence to go forward for reaping the prosperity.
  4. Ensuring the availability of good quality planting material and quality inputs at the doorstep of farmers: community nursery and Krishi business Kendra etc..
  5. Formulate production planning and cost of production data
  6. Pest and disease surveillance report: Last year cropping details, sowing season, pest and disease incidence etc..
  7. Agroclinic and publication
The economic strength is the most influential factor on self-help group's function.The economical strengthening of SHG is a cumbersome task and time-consuming process for the functionaries.The following actions will provide the economic strength.

  1. Agriculture market, trade, export, diversification and production of bye product etc..
  2. Schemes like production bonus,fair price support,MSP,transportation support etc..
  3. Finance: Crop loan, crop insurance, farmer health insurance etc..
  4. Market forecast: communication and market information
  5. Microfinance: common fund for SHG, thrift etc..
The last but not least is the social strength because it always links on the status of the farmer in the society.It ensures and underlines the equity principle at large and also directly connects with the beliefs, attitudes, life stage etc. of the members of the SHG.Following things are the undertakings to intellectualize and to create morale among members.
  1. Exhibitions:Agriculture produce,equipments,technology.
  2. Medical camps, blood donation camps
  3. Seminars
  4. Swasraya karshaka vipani Annual general body
  5. Agriculture trade melas
The above concepts encompass a wide range of people from different backgrounds.So it is definitely a step towards strong Self Help Groups.The efforts are bound by a commitment to better agriculture and better India.



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